
Infectious prevention and Control (IPC) Training

4 out of 5
6 reviews


Infection Prevention and Control Training Course is essential for all businesses, especially where the work environment or work activities could expose employees and everyone around them at risk of infection. This includes those working healthcare establishments, in close contact with persons or animals, and those associated with cleaning of human and animal waste. Infections can be easily spread, yet by understanding the right approach towards mitigating the risk by both preventing and controlling the occurrence.

This web-based infection prevention and control course covers the chain of infection breakouts, how to break the chain, best practices in hygiene and PPE, and the significance of risk management. The course outlines responsibilities for both employees and employers, highlights benefits of robust infection control policies and procedures, while detailing key legislative and regulatory guidelines.

  • Developed in partnership health and safety experts
  • Accredited by CPD
  • Completely online course and assessment with no time limits
  • Full audio voiceover
  • Certificate of competency issued on completion
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Productivity Hacks to Get More Done in 2018

— 28 February 2017

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